Abildgaardia ovata (Burm. f.) Kral

Sida 4: 71 (1971); Samain: 57, fig. 4.3 (2003); Fl. Bénin: 83 (2006) ; FTEA : 113 (2010)

Carex ovata Burm.f., Fl. Ind. 194 (1768); Fimbristylis ovata (Burm.f.) Kern, Blumea 15: 126 (1967); FWTA: 324 (1972); Lowe, Fl. Nigeria: 71, fig. (1974); Scholz: 68  (1983);  FIS 9: 548 (198 );

* Slender tufted, light greyish green, rhizomatous perennial of up to 0.2 – 0.4 m high swollen at the base with dark brown remains of old sheaths, forming a rhizome. Culms crowded, threadlike, 0.6 mm diameter. Leaves basal, filiform or narrowly linear, up to 18 cm long, with a denticulate rim.

* Inflorescence a solitary pale green or yellowish-buff spikelet. Bracts short, beige, 0.5 cm long with a green mid nerf ending in a subule

* Spikelets shiny greyish green, 10 - 14 mm long and 4 - 5 mm large with glumes distichously arranged. Glumes navicular, beige, 6 – 7 mm long with green excurrent median nerve ending in a short mucro; both sides of mid nerf with a broad light reddish brown zone. flattened with Styles 3. Achene flask-like, slightly trigonous, white to brownish at maturity, granular-tuberculate, up to 2 mm long; stigmas reddish brown,.